The kitchen is one of those rooms in the house where we head for exploration. Hungry? Head to the Kitchen. Bored? Head to the Kitchen? Planning to watch your favourite show or movie? Head to the Kitchen. The Kitchen is indeed the busiest room of the house and the footfall is quite high. It becomes more crucial for the kitchen to be practical. When you plan your renovation you pay close attention to all details. Be it the cupboards or the countertop, everything needs to be perfect. Whatever you are opting for should be practical in the long run. The renovation process in itself can be quite daunting. Kitchen & Bath, a kitchen renovation company will help you design your dream kitchen, which will be easy to maintain and practical. We are sharing some of the tips that you should keep in mind. 

Choosing the right countertop 

The kitchen countertop adds to the aesthetic value. When you are making a decision, it shouldn’t simply be on the aesthetic value but also on how practical it will be. The material you opt for should be easy to maintain. Marble or soapstone might seem like the ideal option, but they are difficult to maintain. The budget also has a crucial role to play when choosing a countertop. When you are on a tight budget, you should consider going for a cheaper option that will mimic the aesthetic of a natural stone. 

Deciding on the type of faucet

There are two types of faucets that you can choose from – the standard deck-mounted faucet and wall-mounted faucet. When you opt for the wall-mounted faucet, it will help to add aesthetic value to your kitchen. For maintenance purposes, a wall-mounted faucet tends to be easier to maintain than deck-mounted. This is because it is easier to keep the area around the sink clean. If you have a busy kitchen, it is best to opt for a wall-mounted faucet. 

Consider a Double-Bowl Sink

Choosing the correct type of sink for your kitchen isn’t easy. You might want yourself weighing the pros and cons of having a double bowl sink and a single bowl sink. Space in the kitchen should be one of the things that should be considered before you decide. When there is less kitchen space, then you should opt for a single bowl sink. However, if you do have enough space, double-bowl sink it is. With a double-bowl sink, it becomes easier to deal with dishes as there is more working space. 

Choose the Kitchen Appliances wisely

Before you go ahead and make your wishlist, reason why you want to replace those appliances. When choosing the appliances, need to take into account the design of the kitchen, its usage and your lifestyle. The appliance needs to be in compliance with your lifestyle and requirements. You can begin by listing the appliances that you are already using. Also, add those you would like to use in the future.

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